Many new language dimensions. More flexible input and output options. More professional feel. Designed for the beginner and professional. Lease it for a month or buy it.
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LIWC2015 is a powerful research and learning tool based on solid science. To learn how to run LIWC on your desktop, download the the Operator’s Manual or a paper on the shadowsockr安卓版设置. To compare the new LIWC2015 categories with those from earlier LIWC versions, visit Compare Dictionaries. To get a better appreciation of the thinking behind LIWC, click below:
How it Works
The LIWC license is for academic and university purposes only and entitles you to install and activate the software under two usernames. Discounts are available for multi-user versions. All non-academic/non-university use of LIWC requires a commercial license. Commercial licenses and the LIWC API are available through Receptiviti.ai
License Agreement
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2. The LIWC program is supplied as is. Our lawyer – who has a fondness for very big words and complex sentences – has asked that we put in all of the following: PC 端如何配置 Shadowsocks – 冰冰的小屋:安卓配置 SS PC 配置 SS Mac 配置 SS 前端 React 赞助作者 关于我 主页 › Shadowsocks › PC 端如何配置 Shadowsocks #Shadowsocks# PC 端如何配置 Shadowsocks 3年前 59,010 2 3 1. 下载 PC 版本的 Shadowsocks 首先,点击下方按钮下载 PC 版的客户 ...
3. The LIWC program is to be used for academic purposes only by non-commercial organizations such as schools or universities. Commercial licenses are available and must be purchased separately. The commercial licenses for the LIWC program, including the dictionaries, are granted by Receptiviti Inc. Questions about commercial licenses should be directed to LIWCpermissions@receptiviti.com. If you are downloading the LIWC program for use by any organization other than a school or university, you should assume your use is commercial and must therefore contact Receptiviti Inc. to obtain a commercial license. You should not assume your use is non-commercial simply because you are not selling access to the LIWC program or a product or service built around the LIWC program or because you have some other definition of “non-commercial use” in mind. If you have any questions as to whether your use is non-commercial or commercial, you should assume your use is commercial, and the onus is on you to ask for permission from Receptiviti before using the LIWC program.
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5. You are not allowed to modify, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or use for any derivative works based on the LIWC program for any purpose. You may not share the LIWC program with anyone outside your lab group or use the LIWC program for the benefit of any outside party. If you want to perform any research or process data for an outside party, that is a commercial use and you should contact Receptiviti to obtain a commercial license.
Pennebaker Conglomerates Inc. reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this End User License Agreement. The onus is on you to ensure that you comply with this End User License Agreement and all of its restrictions. If you have any concerns about whether or not you will be in compliance, please ask us in advance.
September 1, 2015